Janelle Andrineini sits across from a female and male student in the 职业中心.


Roy G. 低层学生故事中心
(402) 465-2224
职业生涯 [at] tjxxsls.com (职业[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu)

周一至周五,上午8点.m. – 5 p.m.


在NWU的就业中心, students receive assistance developing their 职业生涯 plan through aligning their interests, 值, 以及专业技能, 经历, 以及未来的目标. 通过一对一的预约, our trained 职业生涯 counselors can help students explore options, 寻找工作/实习机会, 制作简历/求职信, 练习面试技巧, 申请研究生/专业学校, 还有更多. We sincerely hope that your student will take advantage of these services early and often to enhance their educational experience and 职业生涯 readiness upon graduation.


Family members are identified as the primary source of 职业生涯 information and encouragement for students. 现在开始对话. Simply serving as a sounding board by listening and promoting exploration of 职业生涯 fields will allow your student to begin discovering their future 职业生涯. For information on supporting your student, be sure to read through these helpful resources:




想了解我们校友的更多信息? Visit 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学’s LinkedIn 校友 page. Narrow your search by major, industry or location. Our alumni love helping current students understand possible 职业生涯 options and your student can easily follow our 面试信息 开始对话的讲义.

Connecting Through the Career Assistance Network

我们的办公室与校友保持联系. This allows our current students access to a network of alums dedicated to helping students set up job shadowing, 招聘信息, 和更多的. 在对校友讲话时, students gain valuable insight about potential 职业生涯 paths and get a hands-on perspective of a particular 职业生涯.


你的组织在招聘人才吗? 我们一直在寻求与当地合作, 区域, and national employers who have an interest in our students and alumni. 广告全职, 实习, and part-time opportunities through our online job search platform, 握手, 对你的组织来说是没有成本的. Visit our 雇主服务 page to learn more about how to begin building a relationship with the 职业中心. 


A liberal arts education from 内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 launches our graduates around the world. Our distinguished alumni work across the globe from representing international companies, 建立当地的非营利组织. Here are just a few highlights from our 2022-2023 first destination survey:







Were enrolled in graduate or professional schools



When should my student start visiting the 职业中心?

We encourage students to visit at least once during their first semester to begin exploring opportunities, even if they are certain of their major or future 职业生涯. Career counselors can help students through discussing their personal interests, 推荐课程, 并提供主要的勘探材料. We also can help students begin planning their next few years in gaining 经历, 讨论校园参与, 探索更多的机会.


Choosing a major can be a stressful part of college and your student should be aware of the options available to them. 在选择大学专业时, students should know majors often do not translate to a specific 职业生涯 field. The NWU 职业中心 encourages students to take a variety of courses and then choose a major based on what they find best suits their interests, 技能, 和价值观.

What if my student does not know what they want to do?

把他们送过来! 通过与我们训练有素的职业顾问合作, your student will get their questions answered so they can feel confident with their future plans. We have a variety of tools and resources to facilitate this process.

协助这个过程, you may want to begin asking some probing questions to your student that give insight into their interests, 技能, 和价值观. 例如:

  • What are you most excited to learn about in college?
  • What accomplishment thus far are you most proud of?
  • 你如何定义“有意义的工作”??

Help them to see what situations bring out their best, and what natural qualities they have that make them stand apart from their peers.


整个学年, companies come to campus to recruit students for a variety of part-time and full-time positions and 实习s. 雇主会在校园里设立摊位, 参加我们的职业社交活动, 向班级和组织发表演讲, 和/或进行采访. 我们的招聘会, 从背包到公文包,” is a 职业生涯 networking event with over 40 employers looking to hire NWU students for a variety of part-time and full-time positions and 实习s.

Is the 职业中心 where students go to get on-campus jobs?

While we can help students locate postings for on-campus employment, the 财政援助办事处 coordinates all on-campus employment and determines student eligibility. Their office is in Smith Curtis 207 and can be reached at 金融援助 [at] tjxxsls.com (金融援助[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu) or (402) 465-2167.

What is the 职业中心’s job placement rate?

The NWU 职业中心, along with most 职业生涯 centers today, is not a placement/employment agency. Students are not required to visit our 职业生涯 center, and we do not “place” them in positions. 而, we assist students with their post-graduation plans by teaching them how to think about their 职业生涯 path long-term, including how to 寻找工作/实习机会, 如何定制他们的简历和求职信, 练习他们的面试技巧.

我的学生应该主修什么专业 if they want to go pre-medicine or pre-law?

学生可以主修任何专业, but they should know that each program may require certain prerequisite courses to apply (e.g., many pre-medical programs require anatomy and physiology, biology, and chemistry, to name a few). NWU alumni from a variety of majors have gone on to become lawyers, 医生, 药剂师, 以及其他医疗服务提供者. Several resources are available in our office for students interested in this path.